Your child’s learning and well-being are our highest priorities. We have taken steps to ensure that your child will continue to have the highest possible standard of education.

Reedswood E-ACT Primary academy’s use of technology across every aspect of School life will enable us to deliver lessons, as well as ongoing support and communications, to you and your child via the School’s current online learning platform Seesaw (shortly moving to Google Classroom). Your children are already familiar with Seesaw, Purple Mash and Education City to access homework, messages from their teacher and tasks.

Remote Learning

Supporting SEND pupils at home

We know that staying at home with children who have additional special educational or physical needs can be difficult, so the activities and information below are to provide you with some support and guidance during this time.

To ensure children who have been identified as pupils with special educational needs (SEN) are still receiving additional support, your class teacher will be sending home individual education plan (IEP) targets by the end of the week. Pupils will have two targets to work on at home in addition to their usual class work over the next few weeks. These will mostly be practical and focused on their particular needs. The teachers will recommend how often to complete these e.g. daily or weekly for the maximum benefit and suggest some activities you can do.

We do not expect parents to be teachers and provide the same activities and feedback given at school; we only expect that you do your best to provide support for home learning.
This is an anxious time for everyone, and we are all concerned about keeping our families safe. Children may be anxious too. Take this time to support home learning alongside other fun, memory-making activities as well.

Here you will find resources to support your child’s needs including sensory and emotional well being. If your child or your family are struggling during this time please contact the SENCo at

Local Links

Speech and Language

At Reedswood we use WMSLT to deliver assessments and interventions, as well as the local authority for children with higher needs. You will have been contacted by WMSLT and offered additional resources/support.
Articulation station is a free app you can download to help with speech pronunciation.

Educational Resources

Supporting pupils with specific learning difficulties

Social Stories

Sensory activities

Sensory play is a benefit for all children, but it particular helps children with SEND in social and language development, physical gross and fine motor skills as well calming them down.

Key Documents


Sources of Support

Childline |  0800 1111

Get help and advice about a wide range of issues. Childline is a counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the United Kingdom provided by the NSPCC.

Samaritans |  116 123

Samaritans provide emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide.

Children’s Services |  01922 658170

To keep children and young people safe within Walsall and te surrounding area.

Mental Health Support |  0300 555 0262

Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership provides mental health services across Dudley and Walsall.

Young Minds |  0808 802 5544

Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.

Police |  999 |  101

West Midlands Police. Preventing crime, protecting the public and helping those in need.

Food Banks |  0121 357 5399 |  07747 301374

The Trussell Trust runs the largest network of foodbanks in the UK, giving emergency food and support to people in crisis.


Staying Safe Online

Think U Know

Advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online

Parent Info

Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online

UK Safer Internet Centre

Advice for parents and carers

Net Aware

Support for parents and careers from the NSPCC

London Grid for Learning

Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online

Internet Matters

Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online

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