PHSE Curriculum

Below you can find key aspects from our ‘PHSE Curriculum’. Here you will be able to discover the following information:



  • The six ‘key threads’ within PHSE.
  • What the intent of our PHSE Curriculum is, how we are going to implement it within school and what impact it will have on our children.

Intent, Implementation and Impact


Curriculum Overview

  • The overview of learning throughout the different year groups.

PHSE Overview


Relationships Education

  • At a primary school level, relationships education teaches children a wealth of information about healthy relationships, including how to communicate their own boundaries and recognise the boundaries of others, staying safe online, and the differences between appropriate and inappropriate or unsafe contact.
  • Our programme is tailored to the age and physical and emotional maturity of the pupils, and it prepares our older children for the changes that take place (drawing on the knowledge of the human life cycle from the National Curriculum for Science).
  • For any further information please do not hesitate to get in contact with our Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Blunt.


Knowledge Organisers

  • Knowledge organisers that are provided to the children and can be referred back to throughout their PHSE focus.

Example PHSE Knowledge Organiser

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