Supporting Pupils with SEND at home

We know that staying at home with children who have additional special educational or physical needs can be difficult, so the activities and information below are to provide you with some support and guidance during this time.

To ensure children who have been identified as pupils with special educational needs (SEN) are still receiving additional support, your class teacher will be sending home individual education plan (IEP) targets for this half term.

They will have two targets to work on at home in addition to their usual class work over the next few weeks. These will mostly be practical and focused on their particular needs. The teachers will recommend how often to complete these e.g. daily or weekly for the maximum benefit and suggest some activities you can do.

We do not expect parents to be teachers and provide the same activities and feedback given at school; we only expect that you do your best to provide support for home learning.
This is an anxious time for everyone, and we are all concerned about keeping our families safe. Children may be anxious too. Take this time to support home learning alongside other fun, memory-making activities as well.

Pupils with an EHCP

If your child has an EHCP, they will be in minimum of weekly contact with their one to one support who will work with the class teacher to set and deliver work either via online tools or work books. We will work with your child’s class teacher, SENCo and support to best support individuals according to their needs.


Here you will find resources to support your child’s needs including sensory and emotional well being. If your child or your family are struggling during this time please contact the SENCo at

Support for Families

FamilyLine is a free service available to support adult family members on all aspects of family life issues via telephone, text message and email. Whether it’s emotional support or practical advice on any aspect of parenting or broader family issues, call: 0808 802 6666, text: 07537 404282, email: or live web via our website

Monday to Friday: 9am –9pm. The helpline will be covered by SHOUT our text crisis line outside these hours including weekends and bank holidays. 



Local Links

Speech and Language

At Reedswood we use WMSLT to deliver assessments and interventions, as well as the local authority for children with higher needs. You will have been contacted by WMSLT and offered additional resources/support.
Articulation station is a free app you can download to help with speech pronunciation.

Educational Resources

Supporting pupils with specific learning difficulties

Social Stories

Sensory activities

Sensory play is a benefit for all children, but it particular helps children with SEND in social and language development, physical gross and fine motor skills as well calming them down.


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