Our children have been impressing their teachers, let’s find out how…

RLT and RLW – Here are some pictures of Reception’s amazing work they have been doing at home. They have all been impressing us with how much work they have been doing and how engaged they are with our calls and lessons. They have done lots of super writing and maths work learning about capacity.

1VG – Tanzanite has been writing some great diary entries for different characters from the book, ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’.

1CO – I have been so impressed with all the children that have engaged with their online learning. I know that it has been tricky, but you have all adapted so well and are finding ways to do your work creatively. Although I could praise all of you who have been working so hard I want to share one piece of work. We are talking about Hinduism in RE and diary entries in English. Millie produced this outstanding drawing of a Hindu God and Inaaya wrote an amazing diary entry in which she used all of her phonetical knowledge and understanding of the book. Superb work girls!

2CG – Aahil and Layla in 2CG have worked so hard on their online learning. They have not missed one lesson or one live registration so well done to these 2 children. Keep it up!

2LP – A huge well done and thank you to everyone in 2LP for working so hard! A particular well done to Noah who wrote this fantastic prediction about what was going to happen next in our class reader ‘Meerkat Mail’!

3PG – Maddy created an excellent poster all about Egyptian pyramids! I’m so impressed with how hard she has been working! Well done Madison!

3HF – Harry for trying really hard with his handwriting and overall work and Jensen for his amazing attitude to learning from home.

4WC – Well done Amber for your fantastic comprehension work!


4KR – Carlos has done an amazing self-portrait following our online art lesson.

5PB – Nishawan has been doing some super work on Google Classroom. He completes all of his tasks every day to a good standard. One example is this description of a cat which he wrote.

5HT – A fantastic portrait with facts about Sister Dora from Madiha.

6RF – Here is a letter about Judaism by Sahil, Pandora writing by Alex and Maths by Aleena. All three children are showing a great level of determination to get all of their work done. All three of these children ask valid questions during live sessions and post comments on the class stream. To use Alex’s words, he is finding the work challenging but knows it is not impossible so he can find the answers.



6BH – Mrs Woodward and Mr Hussain would like to say a huge well done to all of 6BH, for their determination and hard work. We are so impressed of you.

This is a fantastic portrait of Queen Victoria, which was done by Alisha. Well done.

6HL – A superb portrait of Queen Victoria by Diana.

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