Our children have been impressing their teachers, let’s find out how…

Well done to Dylan and Rosie who both complete all work set online everyday and have been working just as hard at home as they do at school each day, seeing their work everyday always puts a smile on my face!

RLT and RLW: Here are some examples of some WOW work from Reception! Well done to these children!


1VG – Marwa wrote a great newspaper report about the animals inside the old lady’s house from the book a Squash and a Squeeze.

2CG – This week Falaq has written some great similes in Literacy and Amari wrote a great blurb for our book ‘Chatterbox Ben’!

2LP – Well done Christina for writing some fabulous similes in our Literacy lesson!


3PG – Alfie made an excellent shadow stage to see how shadows can change!

3HF – Well done Jaiden and Sohail for trying really hard with their maths!

4KR – We have been looking at poetry this week. They have considered rhyme, rhythm, repetition as well as metaphor. This culminated in them creating their own poem with the title The Lion in the playground. All of the poems were great, with lots of powerful imagery! This is Alishba’s impressive poem.

4WC – Well done to Annabelle for this fantastic poem!


5HT – Well done Kinga for this fantastic persuasive text!

5PB – Lacie has written a superb persuasive argument as a character from a story. She has imagined that she is a cat which has been turned into gold and she is begging her owner to turn her back into a living, breathing cat. Well done, Lacie. You have been very persuasive.

6HL – Miss Lowbridge and Mrs Sweet would like to say a massive well done to everyone in 6HL for joining our live teaching sessions each day and to those children completing learning on Google Classroom. Your effort is amazing, and the quality of work being produced is fantastic. Here is an internal monologue written by Bilal. It really demonstrates a super understanding of the character’s inner thoughts and feelings. Well done!

6BH – I am so impressed with the work Sufyan and Adil are completing. They are completing every task, which has been set and to a high standard. Well done. Keep it up!

6RF – Well done to Jay for hid BODMAS Maths work and Aleena for her RE work about showing gratitude!



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