Our children have been impressing their teachers, let’s find out how…

Nursery – In nursery our wow work is from Daewon & Kyra who have both shown fantastic imagination when creating their own magical porridge at home. They have both thought really hard about what they would put in their porridge and what it would do!

Reception – This week Reception enjoyed a virtual pantomime performance of ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ The children produced some fantastic art work of the characters that they learnt about in the performance!

1CO – I would like to share Martha and Millie’s Rangoli pictures. They chose to make their own and spend time making it very detailed. Also, a big well done to Inaaya who used her phonetical knowledge to produce a very well written poster. Well done girls 🙂

1VG – This week I am really proud of the work that Shariq has been completing. Our Art challenge this week was to create a portrait out of materials we could find at home and Shariq made his out of lego bricks, which is amazing. Also, in Science we are looking at materials and their properties. Shariq did some great work finding items that had different properties.


2CG – Ella has been working really hard on google classroom but also on her intervention work on Education City. She has been working on her divide by 10 lessons! Also well done to Hannah who wrote a fantastic persuasive email this week in Literacy!


2LP – Huge well done to Noah for a very persuasive email after planning his own school fair!

3HF – Well done to Haider, for trying really hard with his handwriting and Jaiden for constantly taking on board feedback and improving his work as the weeks go by!

3PG – Well done to Jonas who is now logging on to google classroom and completing work! We are super proud of how hard he is trying. He’s done really well with this colourful semantics work.

4WC – This is a newspaper report written by Sapphire about a lion coming on to the school playground. They were journalists for a newspaper that likes exaggeration and sensation!

4KR – 4KR watched an interview with a graphic designer as part of their work in Art this week. They saw how she combined words and ideas into letters. She took the letters of her name and thought of something about herself for each of the letters. She then drew her interests in the shape of the letters of her name. The children were challenged to try the same thing and had some fabulous results. Dya came up with these amazing illustrated letters!

5HT – Here is an amazing diary entry from Zainab, well done!

5PB – Haashim has made a fantastic poster which contains all of the key messages about internet safety!

6HL – What a fantastic week 6HL! The amount of you joining our live teaching sessions and completing work has been amazing. Mrs Sweet and I have been so impressed with the quality of your written work and your perseverance with our challenges in maths.

First, it was very difficult to choose a diary entry to share as they were so good! So, a massive well done to everyone and we have shared Bilal and Kai’s as some fantastic examples. In maths, we have been reviewing our understanding of fractions and again we were pleased with everyone’s work. Well done to Nimrah and Diana for their fantastic understanding with multiplying and dividing fractions.


6RF – Last week we posted a fun piece of work on the Friday that wasn’t to do with our curriculum. Below is Sahil’s response to that work. I will also add in a diary entry from Aleena and one from Alex, that link to our Rooftoppers work.


6BH – Well done Wahhab. This piece of art captures the impacts of the industrial revolution on British town. Your use of shading shows how the factories were having a negative impact on the air in town. Super! Keep it up.

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