Our children have been impressing their teachers, let’s find out how…

Reception – In Reception this week we learnt all about healthy eating. We made ourselves a healthy snack and wrote a list of ingredients and equipment as well as instructions. We saw some lovely pictures and some fantastic writing! Well done everyone!

1VG – The children were learning to count in 2s, 5a and 10s. Amana and Eloise have really impressed me with their counting and being able to count groups of objects. Well done both of you!

1CO – Harry produced some amazing work based on emotions. He understood that we express different facial emotions depending on how we feel. Super job Harry!

2CG – Zahra has been virtually observing our seeds that we have been growing in school. From this she has learnt how to plant a seed correctly to ensure it grows well. Also, Faith wrote some great sentences in Literacy with our new vocabulary!

2LP – Well done to Christina for using new vocabulary to write three fantastic sentences!

3PG – This week we have been looking at the features of poetry. I am really impressed with Sibt’s micro poem. He has read other poems and looked at examples to be able to write his own. Sibt works really hard every day, in every lesson but this poem made me very proud. Well done Sibt!

3HF – Well done to Fajr who has been amazing and is constantly setting a high standard. She is a role model for her class!


4WC – Huge well done to Muhammad-Umar for his fantastic answers when researching the history of his name!

4KR – 4KR have continued their study of Spain this week by focussing on one of Spain’s most famous artists – Pablo Picasso. After researching his life, the pupils created their own portraits in a Picasso-inspired Cubist style.  The results were fabulous!

5PB – Well done to Christian who has written a fantastic poem about a classroom!


6HL – It has been lovely to see everyone on the live teaching sessions this week and we continue to be impressed by your hard work and dedication.

A massive well done to Anoosha, who has shown a growing understanding of the ratio and proportion work we have completed this week. She has persevered to complete the tasks and worked hard to solve the problems.

Also, we would like to say well done to Bilal, who wrote a super balanced argument about a key moment in our class reader.

6BH – Sufyan, your work for PSHE is super. Your advice was excellent, and it really portrays your personality. Well done Sufyan. Keep up the hard work!

6RF – Below are some examples of the fluency work we do each day, where the children get 6 questions to answer. These are from Safyaan. Here is also an example of the children’s PSHE work from last week, where they were asked to be Agony Aunts and give some advice. This work is by Aleena.


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