This has been our last week of virtual learning!

We cannot emphasise enough how proud we are of our children. You have all worked so hard and we are so excited to see you all back in school! See below for our final ‘Virtual WOW Work’!


Reception – Reception learnt all about authors and illustrators as part of careers week this week. They had a go at recreating or designing covers for their favourite books. Here are some examples of their amazing work! We are so proud of all of Reception for how hard they have worked over lockdown! They have been absolute superstars!

1VG – For this week’s art challenge the children had to create a fire engine using any materials they could find in their house. All the children created amazing fire engines, especially Shariq, who made his fire engine with lots of different materials.  Well done, Shariq, you have been really creative with your art challenge this week.

2CG – Well done to Fatima who has done some excellent maths work this week!

2LP – Well done Noah for writing some wonderfully descriptive sentences about the Beast and Beauty!

3PG – We just wanted to say that we are amazed with all of the wow work you have produced during online learning! We can’t wait to get back to school to see your wow work in person!

3HF – A big well done to Fedora who has created some excellent science work this week. I am very impressed with your efforts – keep up the good work!

4WC – This art work was done by Phoebe and it is a portrait in the style of Picasso, which was linked to our Spanish topic. Well done!

4KR – In Year 4 we have been learning about the digestive system and this week we have focussed on the part our mouth and teeth play in successfully getting food into our bodies. We have found out all about how we can protect our teeth and make them last a lifetime. Carlos produced a lovely poster to advise us how to look after our teeth.

5PB – Maria has described a beauty spot in a lot of detail, using lovely phrases!

5HT – We have been reading ‘Brightstorm’ and one of the activities was to design their own sky ship. Kyle made his out of junk modelling. He used the kitchen rolls as a base for it to float and land flat and the bubble wrap which would fill with air to allow the ship to fly. Well done Kyle!

6HL – Firstly, a massive well done to the whole of 6HL. Mrs Sweet and I have been so impressed with how quickly you have adapted to online learning and how hard you have worked in the past weeks. Well done to Aiden, who has greatly improved his understanding and effort during home learning. We would also like to share a fantastic piece of writing from Kai, who has used extra detail to develop description and cohesion.

6RF – Below are answers to the work we did about mental health. They are from various children in 6RF. Well done everyone!

6BH – 6BH, Your passion, your dedication and your commitment to our online work has blown Mrs Woodward and Myself away. You have impressed us and we are so proud of you. You work has shown us how passionate you are about learning and your standard of works has been exactly like they were in school. Well done everyone. 🙂

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