Our children have been working super hard over the last two weeks, here are some of the amazing things they have been doing…


How have Nursery been impressing their teacher this week?…

This week in Nursery we have been learning all about Jack & The Beanstalk! All the children have really impressed us with how settled they’ve been returning to school! They have enjoyed lots of sensory play this week, exploring the feel of different seeds and beans, they have helped us to count the giant’s gold and have drawn some fantastic castles in the clouds!

How have Reception been impressing their teachers this week?…

Reception – Well done to Ruqayyah in Reception for this amazing piece of work she did at home after learning the story of ‘Supertato’ in class! Amazing work Ruqayyah!

How have Year 1 been impressing their teachers this week?…

1VG – Harry has been doing some amazing work in Maths this week. We have been looking at weighing objects and Harry really enjoyed these lessons.

1CO – Well done and thank you to all 1CO who embraced the tasting challenge this week. We have been learning about our senses in science and this week have been focussing on taste. There was a variety of flavours and some that the children had not tasted before. Each child did not hesitate to try everything and describe what they liked or did not like about each ingredient. Well done, you are all super stars, as always!

How have Year 2 been impressing their teachers this week?…

2CG – This week in maths we have counted in threes, worked on our addition and subtraction skills and compared numbers. Tyler has really impressed me this week in maths and has worked super hard!

2LP – ‘As scary as a storm’. ‘As mysterious as a witch’s potion’. These were some of the fabulous similes Safa in Year 2 has written to describe the Black Rock. Well done Safa!

How have Year 3 been impressing their teachers this week?…

3PG – Well done to Zahra in 3PG for excellent work on equivalent fractions!

3HF – Well done to Aaminah for her excellent knowledge in RE. Aaminah understands all beliefs and can identify similarities and differences between them. Well done also to Sami for his excellent maths work. Sami can draw shapes which equal a given perimeter.

How have Year 4 been impressing their teachers this week?…

4WC – In English this week 4WC have been doing drama activities. One of them was to delve deeper into Mr Lo’s character (A very unhonourable man). Mrs Clifft became a Vietnamese Judge and all the children became Mr Lo and they had to answer some very tough questions in her courtroom.

4KR – Year 4 have been investigating portraits of Henry VIII to see how this famous monarch was portrayed during his reign. We then sketched our own matching halves of Henry. We think he would have been pleased with our efforts and would definitely not have sent us to the tower!


How have Year 5 been impressing their teachers this week?…

5PB – Well done to William, Karina, Christian and Nishawan who have shown that they have a great understanding of rounding up to a million by independently completing challenge tasks correctly.

5HT – A big well done and shout to all year five children who have worked amazingly hard on their year 6 sats mocks this week. They have shown amazing resilience and we are extremely proud of every single one of them.

How have Year 6 been impressing their teachers this week?…

6BH – Adil, we are so impressed of your writing in English. You always include all the appropriate elements to make your writing the best it can be. In this piece of writing, you have understood how language and vocabulary can be changed in order to change the atmosphere and setting. Well done and keep up the hard work!


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