Our children have been working super hard, here are some of the amazing things they have been doing…

This week Nursery had a visit from the artist in residence who completed a clay workshop! We really enjoyed exploring the different textures of the clay and creating lots of different patterns and objects! The children had a great time getting messy and creative in the clay!


Reception have explored melting and freezing this week. We melted some chocolate and used duck shaped moulds to turn it into chocolate ducks. We enjoyed eating them together at snack time!


Well done all of Year One. This week you have been with Mrs Pike reading real and nonsense words. We are so proud of all the hard work you have all put into your phonics as it has clearly paid off. Keep it up as being a successful reader will always be a treasured life skill!


2CG – All children in 2CG have worked really hard this week in Humanities. They have used atlases to find different seaside towns, the four capital cities in the UK and the surrounding seas. Great Geography work 2CG!

2LP – Today we got to experience and learn all about Punch and Judy in a wonderful workshop. We learned about the history of the show, asked lots of questions and got treated to watch a show as well!


3HF – Year 3 have been learning all about World War 1. Mr Fazal is very proud of Keira in 3HF for her hard work and the knowledge she has displayed. Keep it up!

3PG – 3PG really enjoyed working with the artist in residence this week! They created clay tiles, inspired by the inside of fruit!

4KR – As part of our Geography work, Year 4 have taken part in an African workshop. They created their own African masks using paint techniques and also learnt some traditional African dances!

4WC – The Year 4 children enjoyed a Tudor Maths lesson, where staff dressed up! They gathered clues on famous Tudors such as Henry VIII, his 6 wives and children including Elizabeth I to complete a Maths grid.


5PB – Karina in Year 5 has written a very thoughtful diary entry as a character from a book. Zarwa has also written a very inspiring speech as the historical figure Boudicca!

5HT – Year 5 are already getting their Sports Day practice in! Here they are giving it their all and being super supportive of each other!

Year Five and Six had a ‘Humanist’ visitor. They really enjoyed asking questions and learning lots of things about Humanists!

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