Here at Reedswood we aim to ensure that all of our policies and practices conform with the principle of equal opportunities and comply with the public sector equality duty set out in ‘section149’ of the Equality Act 2010.

The Academy will tackle inappropriate attitudes and practices with staff leading by example, through the Personal, Social And Health Education (PSHE) programme, the supportive Academy culture and ethos and the Academy’s policies.

Equality objectiveWhat this means for Reedswood E-ACT Primary Academy
To ensure that the Academy building/environment is accessible to all.All children and adults can be safely evacuated. Any child/adult with accessibility issues will have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) and fire marshals will be aware of their responsibilities in supporting those people.
All pupils and visitors can park within a reasonable distance of the school. There will be a designated car parking space in the nearby vicinity.
Accessible toilet facilities for all with a specific disabled toilet available in the main building.
Consistent maintenance of the school site to remove any barriers for accessibility.
To ensure that all pupils (with disadvantaged pupils being a focus) can fully access the curriculum, including our extra-curricular provision.Targeted children are a focus area of after school sports provision which has identified in the Sports Premium documentation.
Vulnerable families are funded to attend breakfast club to enable a positive start to the day.
National Tutoring Programme (NTP) sessions in place for Pupil Premium children Y1–6 in order to close the attainment gap.
To improve attendance for SEN (Special Educational Needs) pupils across the Academy, to be broadly in line with National Average. Relevant children will be tracked and supported by SLT and Attendance Officer to ensure attendance continues at or above national figures.
Rewards in place for individuals and classes that achieve attendance targets for the week, term and year.
Develop and promote understanding of tolerance and respect for others through the promotion of British values.British values strands fed through PHSE curriculum, discussed with children and located on the knowledge organisers.
Picture news shared with children weekly linking to a different British Values strand each week.
Assemblies and focused days/weeks that can be linked and promote key British Values strands.
To develop stronger links with the community, to increase parental engagement.We will undertake regular parental voice to discuss matters such as SEND, Safeguarding, etc.
Work closely with our chair and parent ambassadors to develop our community links and support our understanding of parental viewpoints to increase parental engagement.
To establish the Academy as a ‘Community Hub,’ to offer support and guidance to all members of our community, and to support those vulnerable to mental health or financial hardship.Pastoral newsletter is sent out half-termly, weekly school newsletter sent to parents with guidance and support re. HAF and relevant points of contact.
Open door policy in place for parents to access safeguarding team for support.
Parents will be signposted to different areas of support such as food banks, CAMHS, Beacon Centre, etc.
Workshops will be held in our Community Hub building, led by our Safeguarding team or other relevant agencies


Our Equality Objectives have been written in conjunction with our Equal Opportunities and Equality and Diversity policies. If you would like to read these policies; or find a downloadable copy of our Equality Objectives, then click on the links below:

Equality Objectives

Equal Opportunities Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Reviewed September 2023


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