16 March 2020

Dear parents and carers,

I hope my message finds you and your family well.

I understand that for many of us, the news and continuing speculation surrounding Covid-19 has been unsettling.   We continue to closely follow the advice and guidance issued to us by Public Health England, and in line with their recommendations, the academy will remain open until we are advised otherwise. In the meantime, we remain in close contact with our parents and the wider academy community to ensure that all of the necessary precautions are being taken here at the academy.

I have put together the following FAQs which I hope you will find useful.


What should I do if my child develops coronavirus symptoms?

In the first instance, please check the latest guidance from the NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19. I ask that if your child is advised to self-isolate, please let the academy know as soon as possible. Public Health England also advise that we continue to regularly wash our hands or use hand sanitiser, particularly after travelling on public transport.


What action should I take if my child has a supressed immune system or significant underlying medical conditions?

If your child has a significant medical condition, and after having consulted NHS 111 you wish for them to stay at home as a precaution, please discuss this with your child’s head of year.


What happens if my child falls ill whilst at the academy?

All staff are on alert for pupils who may display the key symptoms of COVID-19. Any pupil in that category will be moved to a safe, isolated room until their parents can collect them and take them home. They will then only return to the academy once fully recovered.


How is the academy supporting my child if they are worried about the virus?

Please let us know if your child is feeling particularly anxious or is worried about themselves or their family. We are well set up through our pastoral system to provide reassurance and a listening ear. We are also speaking to our pupils about the facts surrounding the virus as better understanding tends to reduce panic. I would recommend the following link that answers many questions that children have in relation to the virus: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51861089]


What other measures is the academy taking to protect my child?

We are talking to and advising pupils through our pastoral set up. We would be grateful if you could support this effort at home by emphasising the importance of washing hands properly, catching coughs and sneezes and disposing of used tissues. We are also asking visitors to avoid unnecessary physical contact including shaking hands. For information, our cleaning team is carrying out additional cleaning around the academy including daily cleans of surfaces that are in regular use.


Can I visit the academy?

As a precaution, we are restricting visits to the academy and would prefer meetings and communication to be over the phone or via email.





Will the academy close?

Along with all other schools and academies in the country, we would close our academy if directed to do so by the government. At present, this is not their preferred option, however, we will of course keep in close contact with parents as we receive any updates.


What would happen to my child’s education if the academy is temporarily closed?

If the academy is asked to close by the government, our staff will be working remotely and will remain in close contact with pupils using our school website and online resources.  Further details will follow in the event of a closure.

If the academy is temporarily closed, we want our pupils to understand that this is not a school holiday and that they are expected to continue to learn from home. Home learning tasks must therefore be completed to time.


What about upcoming tests and exams?

If public tests and exams are in any way altered or delayed, all schools and academies throughout the country will be in the same position. Examination boards are already in discussion about possible alternatives should the normal schedule be impacted, and we will of course advise our own pupils and their families as soon as we are informed of any changes.

However, we remain confident that no pupil will be disadvantaged and for the time being we continue as normal. It is vital that all Year 6 children are fully focused on their revision programme.


What is happening with planned trips and scheduled sports fixtures?

Unfortunately we are having to postpone many planned trips and visitors in line with government recommendations. We are looking to postpone, rather than cancel, as we hope that the enriching experiences of these trips are still possible at a later date. This also includes parents evening.

Part of the UK government’s delay strategy may be the cancellation of mass events such as sports matches. Whether school sport fits into this category is unclear at this time, but we have made the sensible decision to suspend sports fixtures at this time to limit any risk to our pupils and staff.


How will the academy communicate updates or changes in plans to families?

We will continue to update families via our website and parent text. Any urgent messages will also be posted on the website and on social media. If you have any further questions please contact:  Postbox.Reedswood@e-act.org.uk


I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that we are working hard to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our pupils and staff. We also have a plan in place so that our pupils can continue to benefit from the best possible education no matter the circumstances.

We plan to remain in regular contact with you over the coming weeks, and we ask you to do the same if you have any questions or concerns. In the meantime, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support of the academy.




Mrs M Lathbury-Cox


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