Careers curriculum

We intend to embed an aspirational strand into our curriculum that exposes all of our children to a wide range of opportunities and careers, giving children knowledge about high education and the world of work.

Embed career-related learning within our curriculum offer.
PSHEThere are numerous opportunities in Jigsaw for teaching and learning about financial capability and economic well-being.
The Puzzle ‘Dreams and Goals’ holds most of the explicit lessons on finances, where it looks at enterprise and fundraising, aspirations, jobs and careers.
For the younger year groups, learning intentions are focused on perseverance, achieving goals and thinking about what needs to happen now so that things can be better in the future.
For older year groups, the emphasis is more on jobs and careers, and also on supporting others with fundraising, etc. For example, in Year 5, there are lessons on children’s dream jobs and the steps they need to take to get there, what people in a variety of jobs earn and how everyone makes a contribution in society.
The end of Puzzle outcomes also offer opportunities for enterprise and learning about money and finance e.g. building a garden of Dreams and Goals enables children to collaborate to raise money for charity.
There are extra lesson plans dealing explicitly with money, spending, saving etc on the Community Area for Jigsaw schools to use to supplement the lessons already in the Jigsaw Programme if they wish to.
NumeracyMy money maths
My Money Week will be taking place during the Spring term.
My Money Week has taken place year on year meaning hundreds of thousands of young people have left school with a thorough understanding of personal finance, saving wisely, credit and debt, keeping money safe and how to budget.
Art and D&T
Understanding of jobs and careers in relation each specific subjects.
Wider roles and responsibilities.
Experience of leader across the school.
visits, visitors
Visits to industry including Jaguar Land Rover and Visitors such as the school nurse and an Author.
Careers weekWhole School careers week will take place in the Summer. Learning about a range of different careers, with this years focus on the construction industry. Celebration at the end of the week, with jobs fair organised and delivered by Years 5 and 6.
Enterprise daysWorking as a team to plan, design and create a profitable idea.
In December we created gifts with a budget for local residential homes.

Our 2023-24 Careers Curriculum overview is under review and will be shared soon.


If you have any further questions you can direct them to our Careers Leader or our SLT Link:

Careers Lead: Mrs Ray

SLT Link: Mrs Blunt

Email:     Telephone: 01922 721323


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