Whole School Curriculum Overview 2023-24

Our academy curriculum is underpinned by the values that we hold at our academy: balanced, rigorous and challenging; coherent and relevant and knowledge rich. The curriculum is the means by which the academy achieves its objective of educating children in the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need in order to lead fulfilling lives.

We plan the curriculum carefully, so that there is coherence and full coverage of all aspects of the National Curriculum and early learning goals, and there is planned progression in all curriculum areas.

At Key Stage 1 and 2 the curriculum at our academy places a greater emphasis on both core and foundation subjects, and we teach these subjects separately. We give each subject area the same care and due attention to ensure children get a well-rounded and balanced curriculum full of opportunities to discover their interests, passions and gain a deep understanding of all. Over the three terms of the academic year, each child has the opportunity to experience the full range of National Curriculum subjects.

Our curriculum will ensure access and inclusion. An overarching principle is equality of access to the curriculum. For example, SEND pupils and EAL learners will be supported to access a common curriculum, rather than be taught a restricted or unduly narrowed curriculum. However, if we think it necessary to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of individual children, then we do so only after the parents of the child have been consulted. In the great majority of cases, pupils who have SEND will be ‘scaffolded’ or supported to access the same curriculum content as other pupils. This principle underpins our approach to ‘mastery’ and inclusion. The curriculum will uphold fully the requirements set out in the DfE (January 2015) SEND Code of Practice, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and requirements of The Equality Act 2010.

Please see our SEND section for more information regarding how we support our SEND children with clear and direct links to the SEND Code of Practice.


Curriculum Areas:

For more information on what each curriculum area looks like here at Reedswood, please click on the relevant button below:



To see lists of our Trips and Visitors for the year, click on the links below:

Autumn Trips 23-24

Spring Trips 23-24

Summer Trips 23-24

Autumn Visitors 23-24

Spring Visitors 23-24

Summer Visitors 23-24


Curriculum Aims and Principles:



Advice and sources of support for any of our parents and carers who are looking for help in understanding the curriculum:


Our school website – we would recommend that your first port of call when looking for information is on our school website. As a more general start point, we publish a curriculum statement and whole school overview. You will also find subject specific curriculum intent, implementation and impact statements, under our learning with us tab.  Have a read through and note down key areas for your child and if you have further questions then contact the school to discuss.


Our curriculum leads – We encourage open communication between school and home, we will always help you and your child to feel more supported, don’t be afraid to ask questions or raise specific concerns. Contact the school office on 01922 721323 to directly to book a meeting with one of our relative subject leads or to speak to Mrs Lathbury-Cox. We are here to help!

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