At Reedswood, we aim to create a love of reading. If children are happy to read, they are more likely to do so when they have to, as well as when they want to.


Reading is about acquiring meaning; for enjoyment, information and understanding.

Fundamentally, reading requires two skills; word reading and comprehension.



We begin to develop ‘Word reading’ through Ruth Miskin Phonics as a whole school approach.

Pupils have lots of opportunities to practise fluency and reading skills through paired readers, shared reading of class texts and guided group work.

Children are also heard independently read by their teachers once a week. We encourage children to read at home regularly-they are given a home diary and can earn rewards.

“Reading gives us a place to go when we have to stay where we are.”

Mason Cooley

We know that being a fluent reader does not necessarily equate to understanding what you have read.

At Reedswood, our pupils are encouraged to take their own meaning from each text, becoming independent and critical thinkers. Comprehension activities are designed to help children to infer, summarise, question, clarify, predict and argue a point of view. The children will be able to make connections between texts and their own experiences.


Alongside our anthologies in Literacy and Language lessons, children experience class novels and stories as well as reading across the curriculum. Click on the links below to find out more!


Class Reader Texts 23-24

Additional Shared Texts




Tips for reading at home

Please click on the document below for our ‘top tips’ and support for reading with your children at home.

Reading tips for parents

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