Parent agreement

Please download and sign the agreement below in order to access live and recorded sessions for your child(ren). This must be forwarded to the class teacher or emailed to  Please speak to Mrs. Smith if you have any queries about your child’s remote learning. See also the guide below on appropriate practice.

Parent agreement

Online Learning

We have all learned a lot about online learning (and working from home) during the past few months. We have learned a lot about what works well, and what could be better.

We know that some students have thrived at home, while others have struggled to find a balance between school work and home life. We have already addressed many of the technical issues some families experienced during the first lockdown.

We know that having structure helps to keep students motivated. It is really important that parents and carers support the online learning at home. We will be giving a certificate weekly during praise for the students who have tried hard with online learning. There will also be a class prize for the class with the most pupils engaged.

We know some students miss the contact with their class teacher and fellow pupils, so will be doing live registrations and recorded lessons with your class teacher. You can also write comments on your platform to message your teacher.

We know that children learn at their own pace, and are aware that many parents and carers will themselves be working from home, which is why we are setting work and giving the children flexibility on when to complete it during that day. It is vital though, that they are doing daily work.

Guide to working online

Below is a guidance on what etiquette is expected when completing work online.

Pupils should give their full attention

Find a quiet, ideal location to work that is in view of a parent or carer. It is easy to become distracted at home, but make sure you stay on task and complete your work on time.

Anyone who appears on camera must be appropriately dressed.

It is important that all children have a quiet area to work and in view of an adult. Anyone who is with the child must make sure they are in appropriate attire during live sessions. Children may dress casually, but wearing pyjamas should not be encouraged.

Let your child be the student

We encourage parents to support their children, but let them answer the questions and work as independently as possible

Respect the teacher and the classroom

Yes, your child is learning from home, but when they are logged in, they are in a real classroom. Please speak respectfully to the class teacher and other pupils. Ensure any written or spoken comments are positive and respectful. Be on time for your registrations and hand in work by the date given.

Teach your child how to use the sound/camera function

Pupils need to know how to turn the mic on and off. They must ensure that when it is on, themselves and anyone present will speak appropriately. Be aware that background noise can affect the lesson so please ensure you are in a quiet area. Using headphones during a lesson will help pupils remain focussed too.


How should I communicate with my teacher

This section has guidance about how to communicate with your teacher and other students about schoolwork, school matters or any worries or questions you may have.

You should send messages using Google/Purple mash and/or email to your teachers to ask questions or for support.

All email communication will be read between the hours 8am – 5pm on weekdays. It may be convenient for you to message your teacher outside of these times, please note they will contact you during the school hours. Please be understanding that our teachers are still working in school with vulnerable children, as well as planning/teaching/marking lessons daily for online learning so may not be able to respond immediately.

If it is urgent, then please contact the school office 01922 721323 or

How can I get help from my teacher?

If you have attempted a task and you find you are unable to complete it because you need more guidance, you should first speak to your parent/carer for support and then they can message your teacher on your platform or by email if needed.

You should never just ‘leave’ the work; you are responsible for managing your work and it must all be completed in full.

We have been overwhelmed with the amazing response from our hard working staff and pupils to the current circumstances.

May we take the opportunity to thank you for your continued support of the school, and your child’s home learning.

Come and visit us!

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