Enrichment is a vital part of our curriculum…

…it provides opportunities for our children to try new and varied activities that may not strictly fit into the curriculum, but that develop character, resilience and motivation, and encourage them to pursue wider goals.


Enrichment takes many forms, with much taking place outside the classroom or timetable out of the normal school day. From school trips, forest school, educational visitors, sports days, sporting competitions, residential, after-school clubs and much more.

These are an important part of your child’s education, giving them new experiences, extending their learning in a meaningful way, and making school life more memorable. All children benefit from enrichment, allowing them to look at subjects in more depth, and give them opportunities to explore, develop personally and use their imagination.


External trips including residential helps to teach life skills that benefit children beyond the classroom, developing their character, including confidence and independence.


Community walks and visits to places of worship develop an appreciation for cultural and address community issues, promote teamwork and social responsibility.


Yoga, sporting competitions and after school clubs extend the curriculum beyond academic achievement and teach your children how to keep physically and mentally healthy.



Afterschool Clubs

Below you can find a timetable of afterschool clubs that are currently underway within the academy. If you would like to find out more about a particular club please speak to Mrs Hammond in the school office.

Multi sports clubYears 5 and 6Years 3 and 4Years 5 and 6
Cooking clubYears 1 and 2Years 3 and 4


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