We actively aim to nurture and in-turn flourish our children’s musical abilities.

Within the curriculum, our children are presented with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and understanding of musical elements and existing pieces. They are also able to explore a range of instruments, utilising these to create, compose, play and perform pieces of music. More information can be found here.

To build on this extensive music curriculum, our children also have the chance to engage with a variety of extra-curricular opportunities.

Our children are provided with copious opportunities to perform and refine their skills across singing and playing instruments. This is available to both our Key Stage 1 and 2 children and includes:

  • Christmas Carol Concerts (KS1)
  • KS1 and KS2 Choir
  • Weekly Singing Assemblies

We are looking at engaging with Walsall Music Education Hub to give the children more opportunities to showcase their Musical skills whether that be vocal, musical instruments or both! This can be performances at school or special showcases around the local area.

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