SMSC is the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of the children in our school.

This is not a separate subject that is taught explicitly but an aspect of learning available to all of our children that should be present in lessons and behaviour in school. Some lessons lend themselves more easily to direct SMSC development such as PSHE and RE. We also aim to develop SMSC through assemblies, behaviour expectations and our attitudes/ethos in school.


Through our SMSC provision we:

  • Enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Enable students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England.
  • Encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of others.
  • Encourage respect for other people.
  • Further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation of and respect their own and other cultures.
  • Encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic processes through school council and our student leadership team.


Opportunities for SMSC development

  • Exploring their own values and beliefs
  • Exploring own spiritual awareness
  • Having own high standards of personal behaviour
  • Opportunities for team and collaborative skills throughout the curriculum
  • Encouraging and modelling a positive, caring attitude towards other people
  • Teaching an understanding of their social and cultural traditions
  • An understanding of democratic processes and the law in England (voting for head boy/girl and our student leadership team)
  • Through our RE and PSHE curriculum we actively encourage an appreciation and acceptance of the diversity and richness of their cultures
  • Opportunities to experience other cultures (diversity days, Class assemblies and through wider curriculum topics)
  • We celebrate each other’s successes (Praise assembly)
  • Opportunities to a range of educational visits, residential and visitors

Links with the Wider Community

  • Trips and visitors from the local community for example local history and library
  • Visits to places of worship of other faiths will be arranged to support the understanding of different cultures
  • We support the work of a variety of charities
  • Opportunities to celebrate successes and talents wider then within the school, for example Rock it concerts, Young voices, parents evenings and sporting events.
  • Liaison with our local secondary schools to support the primary curriculum and effective transition.
  • We teach appreciate to and take responsibility for their local environment through our forest school programme, visits to our local allotment and through our partnership with 5 Stars.

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