At Reedswood academy, we have a strong vision for PE.

This vision includes:

  • the ability for pupils to achieve and challenge their personal best
  • the chance for pupils to enjoy and have a positive attitude towards physical activity
  • the chance for pupils to develop the initial stages of a lifelong love of sport and physical activity.
  • A disposition to be kind


As part of this vision, we offer a range of extra-curricular sport, which is supported by an opportunity to take part in both intra and inter-school competitions. With regards to the inter-school competitions we have a long record of entering a range of teams into a broad spectrum of sporting activities, in which we have had success at local, town and regional level. Competitions are available for all ages across the school and all abilities. As an academy, we are strong supporters of the Willenhall School Sports Partnership and have excellent links with our regional school games organiser, as well as our local schools, with whom we organise friendly competitions and tournaments.


Extra-curricular clubs vary across the year, but include sports such as: football, netball, rounders, tennis, cricket, skipping, tri-golf, tag-rugby and multi-skills. As we appreciate that some of our pupils have commitments after school, we offer clubs at both lunch-time and after-school.

Extra-curricular clubs are mainly for our KS2 children, however, we offer clubs at various points in the year for both Year one and two for football and multi-skills.   

All of our clubs are organised and supported by the academy staff, including our multi-skilled sport’s coach, teachers and support staff.


Further to our extra-curricular clubs, we also have links to Walsall Football, Rugby and Gymnastic clubs and we are able to offer routes for progression for children who show an aptitude for individual sports. We have also developed links with Wolverhampton University and have visited their elite sports hub where pupils take part in a range of performance tests and live the life of an elite level athlete. This is also the base of British Judo. 


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