Our children have been impressing their teachers… let’s find out how!

RLT – Ruqayyah and Khadijah in RLT have really impressed me by using what they have been learning in phonics to independently write sentences during child initiated learning.

1VG – Miss Golder is really impressed with Marwa in her Literacy lesson’s this week. She has been writing some great sentences, using her capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

2LP – Mr Peatroy has been really impressed with Jada, who demonstrated a fantastic ability to sew for the first time during DT!

3PG – Mrs Purohit is very proud of Emilie. She is a super role model for the other children,  always showing how polite and friendly she is.

4KR – Carlos has done an amazing Ancient Greek model at home. It is a model of a temple with picture of the Gods attached and lots of information about the gods. A fabulous project completed at home !

4WC – Phoebe has done some great work at home on the Greek gods, which includes a fact file and a mosaic. Annabelle has done a lovely power point on Space.

5PB – Mrs Beresford is very impressed with Maria for her super behaviour, politeness and helpfulness in class.

5HT – Here are some wonderful home projects created on Year 5’s WWII topic!

6HL – Miss Lowbridge is very impressed with Nimrah and Diana, who have made super progress with their reading understanding.


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