7 June 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope that you and your families are safe and well.

This week we are opening the academy to small number of children from Nursery, Reception, Year One and Year Six.

Following the parent text survey, I’m pleased to say we able to accommodate all children that wish to attend and have created protective ‘bubbles’ for them to work in. See detailed letter and video on our website.

It is very important not to just turn up without letting us know as we need time to plan and prepare for the correct number of children and create ‘bubble’ groups. My senior leadership team have personally contacted all those families with children returning next week to go through full details.

If you haven’t received a call then you haven’t registered an interest via the survey. You may change your mind over the coming weeks and wish your child/ren to return.  If so, please can you contact us via telephone on 07513137881,01922 721323 or email Postbox.Reedswood@e-act.org.ukso we can create additional protective ‘bubbles’. Thank you with your help on this matter.

We will also be maintaining Virtual Learning for all those children who are not in school using Google Classroom and our academy website.

I understand that this might be a very difficult decision for you to make but I am sure that whatever you decide it will be the right one, you know your child best and I will totally respect and support whatever you decide to do.

I encourage parents and carers to think very carefully about what is right for their own child. If you decide you want to keep your child at home, please be assured that we respect your decision. It will notimpact on your child having a place at our academy nor will you be pressured about non-attendance or fined.

It is essential that you remain contactable throughout the school day, particularly if your child becomes ill. It is an increased risk to others if we have to care for a child who may be showing symptoms of coronavirus any longer than it takes for a parent or carer to safely arrive at school. Please ensure your contacts are up to date and your child’s medical details too.

Quick Reminder:

Monday and Thursday – Nursery

Monday and Tuesday – Reception and Year 6

Thursday and Friday – Year 1

Thursday and Friday – Year 5

Start and End Times

Nursery Morning – start time 8.50am

Collection time 11.00am

Nursery Afternoon – start time 12.35

Collection time 2.45pm

Reception – start time 8.30am

Collection time 2.10pm

Year 1 – start time 8.50am

Collection time 2.45pm

Year 5- start time 9.10am

Collection time 3.15pm

Year 6 – start time 9.10am

Collection time 3.15pm

Key worker and vulnerable pupils – start time 8.30am

Collection time 2.10pm

Gates will be closed shortly after these times. Please drop off and pick up promptly to ensure safety. 

Siblings from different year groups attending on the same day (e.g siblings in nursery/reception/Y6)– start time 9.10am collection time 2.10pm for all siblings.


I wish you all the very best of health; stay safe and keep in touch.

Maxine Lathbury-Cox

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