Pupils with medical needs

Most children will have at some time a medical condition that may affect their participation in school activities.  For many this will be short-term, but others may experience long term medical conditions that could impact on their education.

Parents or carers are responsible for their child’s health and should provide school with the information about their child’s medical condition.  We encourage parents/carers to provide school with sufficient information about their child’s medical condition and any treatment or special care needed at school, on admission, and keep us informed of any new or changing needs.

A medical need is not necessarily a special educational need or disability but we work with parents and carers to make arrangements to help children to manage their condition and overcome any potential barriers to their education. Your child may need an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP). The SEN team will work with you, and medical professionals to create a plan. The aim is to ensure that we know how to support your child effectively and to provide clarity about what needs to be done, when and by whom.



Belal Hussain – SENCo and iHCP Lead

Jasvinder Kaur – SENCo Administrator and iHCP Practitioner

Jessica Makin – Deputy SENCo



Noreen Akhtar


Please click the link below to find supporting students with medical needs policy.

DfE – Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school

Useful Information- academy policies

Reedswood E-ACT uses Elite safety in Education for all medical training needs.


Medical Leads


Academy Senior First Aiders/AED Trained Staff

NameJob RoleDate of Training
Mr D BeckSports Coach1.2.22
Mrs G CrossAttendance Officer1.2.22
Mrs J KaurHigher Level Teaching Assistant1.2.22
Mrs K WoodwardHigher Level Teaching Assistant1.2.22


Administrators of Medication

NameJob RoleDate of Training
Miss N AkhtarSafeguarding Officer9.1.23
Mrs G CrossAttendance Officer29.2.24
Miss M DhaliwalLearning Support Assistant29.2.24
Mr I HayaatLearning Support Assistant29.2.24
Mrs J KaurHigher Level Teaching Assistant28.11.22
Mrs C SeagarLearning Support Assistant29.2.24


Blood Glucose Trained Staff 

NameJob RoleDate of Training
Mrs N BegumLearning Support Assistant18.9.23
Miss C GraingerTeacher11.9.23
Mr I HayaatLearning Support Assistant13.9.23
Mrs J KaurHigher Level Teaching Assistant22.11.22
Mrs T KeatesLearning Support Assistant22.11.22
Mrs S NazirTeacher22.11.22
Mr L Peatroy Teacher/Assistant Headteacher13.9.23


Epilepsy Trained Staff 

All staff under employment at the time were trained on 18.10.23

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