The school day starts at 8.50am make sure you’re in on time!

You are late to school if you arrive after your teacher has taken the register, but before 9.20am. This means you will be marked as ‘L’ on the class register.

If you arrive after 9.20am, you will be marked as ‘U’ on the class register, which means you have lost your mark for the morning and this will affect your attendance.


Afternoon lessons start at slightly different times:

EYFS and Key Stage 1.00pm – 1.30pm

Key Stage 2 – 1.30pm – 2.00pm

If you go home for lunch or you are coming into school in the afternoon, you must be in school within these times, or else you will miss your afternoon mark.


Attend today, achieve tomorrow…

Here at Reedswood, we work closely with our children and parents to instil the value of punctuality and understanding the importance of attending school as regularly as possible. High and regular attendance can improve children’s physical and mental well-being and helps us ensure our children reach their full potential. We work incredibly hard to ensure our children have the fundamental skills to succeed in life – but this can only be achieved if our children are in school.


“One day can’t hurt… can it?” – Well, actually it can!


Below is a table showing how much children can miss out on through absence during a term – even if it is just one day! 

PercentageDays OffLessons Missed
90%3-4 days15-20!

As much as one week can result in your child’s attendance going below 90%, resulting in an excessive amount of lost learning.

Imagine how much learning your child can lose during those missed lessons. This also doesn’t include all of the social interactions, key assemblies and other experiences children can only gain from being in school.

We want our children to take pride in their attendance and strive for 100%. We also recognise that our children need to be rewarded for their high or improved attendance…


So what can I get for being an Attendance Star?


  • EYFS pupils to receive sticker if attended all week!
  • 100% attendance certificates weekly!
  • Five Track-it points for 100% attendance each week!


Half Termly

  • Class reward (afternoon tea with cakes and biscuits, extra afternoon break, class non-uniform day)
  • Most improved attendance receive afternoon tea with Mrs Lathbury-Cox!
  • A special raffle for the children with 97%+ attendance!



  • KS1 – Lots of fantastic activities such as Pool Party, Silent Disco, Animal man, Circus skills, Petting Zoo!
  • KS2 – Our older children have the opportunity to go on a cinema trip or bowling!


End of Year

  • Pupils with 100% for the full year will get to go on an exciting camping trip!
  • Pupils with 99% attendance will receive treats from our ‘coin shop’ and receive special attendance rewards!


What can we do to help?

We understand there can always be special circumstances, illnesses or worries that you feel may prevent your child from attending school.

We are here to help you

We want to work with you – not against you. So let’s work together to ensure your children can ‘reach for the stars’ and achieve their full potential. If you have any questions, our Attendance Officer; Mrs Cross, will be more than happy to talk to you. Below you can find some guidance that we have previously shared to help you know whether your child is well enough to come to school:

Is my child too ill to come to school?


If you would like to find out more information about our Attendance procedures then please read our ‘Pupil Attendance Policy’ below:

Pupil Attendance Policy

Pupil Attendance Academy Arrangements – Updated Appendix 1

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