Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SEND) covers a wide range of needs and can affect a child or young persons ability to learn. These include behavioural, emotional and social difficulties, speech, language and communication, hearing impairment, visual impairment, multi-sensory impairment, physical disability and autism.

The SEND Code of Practice (2015) defines a child or young person as having special educational needs due to a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
  • Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

At Reedswood we are passionate about ensuring pupils are provided with the right support at the right time. We are committed to providing a positive and inclusive environment for all pupils. We aim to develop a holistic understanding of the child to provide individualised targets for learning. We provide additional resources, interventions and adult support.

The SENCo is responsible for co-ordinating support for pupils with SEND across the school. They have developed robust procedures and systems for identifying and supporting pupils, and works closely with external agencies such as the NHS and educational psychologist.

We have an experienced staff who receive regular professional development on strategies and information about pupils with special educational needs. All staff are approachable, and we pride ourselves on our open communication and being available to speak to families.

We meet with parents/carers three times a year (in addition to parents evening) to discuss individual progress. Additionally, we use the online platform Edukey so all parents have access to the plans and reviews.

Each child’s needs are different and what works for one child will not necessarily help a child with a similar diagnosed need.

Supporting Communication and Interaction needs is one of our priorities. We use communication in print signs and makaton across the school. We advocate communication friendly classrooms, weekly speech and language sessions for individuals and speech and language link interventions for small groups.

Our vision for SEND is to have high aspirations for all. Pupils and staff share ‘rocket’ targets that promote the ideal that we are aiming high for SEND.

What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

Firstly, share any concerns with your child’s class teacher. They will liaise with the SENCo and a decision to refer for the SEND register would be made. We follow a graduated approach to identifying SEND in school. This provides a continuous cycle of assessment in order to assess and identify pupils with SEND. Gathering information about your child is vital in knowing how best we can support them.


Key Documents:

Walsall’s Local Offer

SEND Information Report

Accessibility Plan

SEND Policy


Sources of support

Family Fund

If you’re raising a disabled or seriously ill child on a low income, Family Fund might be able to help with a grant. https://www.familyfund.org.uk/

For families with disabled children, they have free online workshops for parents/carers, you can find more information on their website: https://contact.org.uk/about-us/family-workshops/

They also have a closed Facebook group for families with disabled children which has recently been set up. https://contact.org.uk/news-and-blogs/new-closed-facebook-group/

They discuss money matters, encouraging positive behaviour and well being.


Academy Support:

For any SEND related queries please email our SENCo Belal Hussain at belal.hussain@ree.e-act.org.uk

We take any complaints relating to SEND without the utmost severity. You can email our SENCo or call the school directly on 01922 721323 if you would like to arrange a meeting with our SENCo or a member/s of our Senior Leadership Team.


FACE – Walsall Parent Carer Forum

FACE Walsall is the Parent Carer forum for the borough of Walsall and is led by parents for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional support needs and disabilities in Walsall. They work in partnership with commissioners and service providers across health, social services and education. For more information, click here.


Walsall Information Advice and Support Service (SEND)

Walsall’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Support (SENDIAS) service provides free and impartial support to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their parents and carers.

Click here for more information.

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