Our children have been impressing their teachers, let’s find out how…

Nursery – Well done to Hasana and Zidan, who have both been very creative this week and I’ve really enjoyed seeing the pictures sent in by their parents of all the fantastic things they’ve made at home!

Reception – Well done to Rumyasah for these brilliant sentences about ‘The Jolly Postman’!

1VG – This week the children had to complete a Spiral Art challenge. They have to make spirals out of anything they could think of. The children came up with some amazing spirals, using lego, farm animals, pens, clothes and tissue paper. Here are some of the wonderful examples!

1CO – This piece of work is from Ismah. The task was to create letters using animals that start with the same letter. As you can see Ismah created an ‘S’ from a snake and a ‘B’ from a butterfly! Super work!

2CG – Falaq has done some great work in literacy this week. She described her imaginary friend and even used crafts at home to create her imaginary friend!

2LP – Well done to Christina for this wonderful diary entry which focuses on an imaginary friend!

3PG – Madison in 3PG has made some excellent art work based on Tutankhamun. It looks like she has had some brilliant fun learning all about him – I think she makes an excellent Pharaoh!

3HF – Mr Fazal would like to say a huge well done to Fajr for being an amazing peer to the other children and completing all of her work to the best of her ability!

4WC – Well done to Rehan for this brilliant acrostic poem about Mental Health!


4KR – Well done to Carlos who is exceptionally gifted and likes to express himself in many ways including music, martial arts and art. Noah has also created an amazing power point in order to express himself which you can see part of below!

5PB – Well done to Karina who has written a fantastic interview with a character from a story!


5HT – Well done to Chelfanelle, who demonstrated a fantastic ability to identify key features of recount texts!

6BH – Aalene and Wahhab have written a fantastic setting description of Paris, which is linked to the class reader we are studying at the moment. Their choice of language, their choice of sentences and their overall effort was super. Keep it up guys 🙂

6HL – Another super week 6HL and it is lovely to see so many of you joining our live teaching sessions. Keep up the amazing effort! A special well done to Kai, who wrote a brilliant police report in our English lesson. He used some super description in his writing.

6RF – Well done to Safyaan for this algebraic number sequence work and Alex who he needed to continue a conversation between two characters in our book!



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