Dear Parent/Carers

I hope this letter finds you well. It is a difficult time for everyone and we want to keep you up to date with new information on a regular basis. We will continue to communicate with you via text, the academy website, personal telephone calls and through our online learning platform.

In line with government advice, all of our pupils are being kept at home at present. Here we outline the main things that parents and carers need to be aware of about our provision over the coming weeks.

Temporary relocation of our provision to West Walsall E-ACT Academy

As we have already advised, we have temporarily relocated our provision for the children of key workers and our most vulnerable pupils to West Walsall. Currently we don’t have any Reedswood pupils attending and there limited numbers of secondary pupils too.

West Walsall E-ACT academy is operating as our regional hub for both Reedswood and Willenhall E-ACT Academy.

The combined number of pupils at the regional hub is still very low as most of our parents and carers and are choosing to keep their children at home. As has been made clear in the latest government guidance, smaller groups of pupils in schools and academies are considered to carry a lower risk.

As an E-ACT academy, West Walsall E-ACT Academy also follow the same stringent safeguarding and welfare processes as we do, and our staff already benefit from having close working relationships with one another.

Our provision over the Easter holidays

We will continue to support the children of key workers and our most vulnerable pupils over the Easter holidays, including on Good Friday and Easter Monday.

Parents and carers can also collect their free school meals hampers from the academy during this time. Thank you for submitting number requirements. I await an email from the DfE detailing the FSM voucher scheme which we hope to use in future weeks. As soon as I receive further information I will let you know.

Please be aware of fraudulent free school meal emails

We have been made aware of fraudulent emails claiming to be from the Department for Education being sent to the parents of children in receipt of free school meals. If you have received such an email, which will typically contain a request for bank details, please do not respond and delete it immediately.

For pupils in academy

We are taking the following precautions:

  • We are keeping class sizes and pupil gatherings as small as possible.
  • All pupils are encouraged to frequently wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • We are carrying out deeper cleans throughout the academy day in line with the latest government guidance.
  • If a pupil is unwell, they will be moved to a safe, isolated room until their parents can collect them.

Arrangements for pupils at home

Staff who are not currently based in academy are working remotely and setting classwork online and through work packs. We will be in regular contact with parents and carers to discuss your child’s progress.

SATs tests will not be taking place this year

I would like to reassure you that we will be doing everything in our power to ensure our pupils are awarded the qualifications they deserve and have worked so hard for. We are working closely with the Department for Education and the Standards and Testing Agency, and we will be in touch with parents and carers as soon as we have any more information on the process by which our pupils will receive their marks.

Supporting your child’s mental health during this period of uncertainty

In addition to the resources with have already shared with you to help support your child’s mental health during this time, we have highlighted four practical things you can do to support your child:

  • Look out for any changes in behaviour: young people may respond to stress in different ways – have you noticed any changes in their emotional state or physical behaviours?
  • Provide clear information about the situation: talk openly about what is happening and provide honest answers to any questions they have. Also explain what is being done to keep them and their loved ones safe.
  • Acknowledge concerns: young people will be hearing things from friends and through social media. Talk to them about what is going on, listen to them and acknowledge their concerns.
  • Create a new routine: routine provides reassurance and an increased feeling of safety, especially if they are not in academy. Make a plan for the day or week that includes time for learning, physical activity and relaxing.

For more detailed guidance, visit by clicking here.

Keeping your child safe online

We understand that some parents and carers may be feeling anxious about the fact that your child is likely to be spending more time online over the coming weeks. The websites below contain expert support and practical tips on keeping your child safe online:

You can find more information on by clicking here.

If you or your child start to feel unwell over the coming weeks

If in the coming weeks someone in your household is advised to self-isolate by the NHS, please let us know as soon as possible using the email address We will need your child’s name, year group and the academy they attend. The latest guidance from the NHS can be found here.

Thank you

We find ourselves in uncertain times, yet our pupils and families, our staff and our wider communities have pulled together despite the challenges we face. We are being reminded every day of just how fortunate we are to serve such a special community.

Thank you for your continued support of the academy.

Updated parental advice Tuesday 31 March 2020 – primary


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