Our Year 3 children have been working incredibly hard this year! Have a look below to see some of the amazing things they have done…

Zunaira from 3PB has created a fantastic poster which tells us how to keep safe at night!

3VG – Jada has been doing amazing in all of her lessons this week. She has been doing especially well with her reading and her maths work. Keep up the amazing work Jada!

Year 3 had a fantastic day this week when they experienced a Stone Age Day. Our visitors taught us how Stone Age people dressed, hunted and lived. The children enjoyed dressing up as Stone Age people and painting cave art.


In Art this week the children have been making clay models inspired by a character illustrated by Quentin Blake. All of the children in year 3 did a great job and their models look amazing. Well done Year 3.

Zunaira from 3PB has had fantastic ideas for our writing about holiday destinations this week. She will make a super travel guide as a future career!


Year 3 had an amazing trip to the Botanical Gardens this week. We had to complete challenges to find out about the plants that grow in the rainforests and we also learnt about the people and animals that lived in the rainforests.


3PB – Yassir in 3PB entertained the class with his fantastic acting when he pretended to be a character from a story.

3VG – Santino has been doing some amazing handwriting this week. He is really focusing on his handwriting and making it neat and presentable.


Mrs Beresford and Miss Golder are very impressed with how well Year 3 have settled back into school. They are working very hard and are keen to learn. Well done Year 3! Keep it up! We are looking forward to the year ahead teaching you.

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