Our Year 4 children have been working incredibly hard this year! Have a look below to see some of the amazing things they have done…


Year 4 have been getting active with learning our times tables this week. Here we are practising our x9 by singing and dancing along with a rapping unicorn!!

Year 4 have made an excellent start to the term. We began discussing the context for our next class reading book, finding out all about Apartheid in South Africa. We have made predictions about the reasons for the journey and what might be found when the characters actually make it to Johannesburg. We can’t wait to actually start reading it!

Year 4 would like to say well done to Hibba! She has worked really hard on her phonics and is making super progress! We are all very proud of you!


Year 4 have created information posters to explain their learning about square numbers.

Well done to the children in Year 4 who have been writing Haiku poems – here’s an example below!

Haiku writing’s fun!

Year 4 showed real talent.

Fabulous poems!


What a dilemma Year 4 have faced this week! We have written stories featuring a dilemma and the consequences for the characters who faced the tricky decision. We used speech (correctly punctuated with inverted commas), varied sentence openers to make our writing interesting and similes to bring our descriptions to life. Well done Year 4!


This week we have been focusing on symmetry in maths. Whilst it can be a tricky concept to understand, each and every member of Year Four have been more than willing to tackle the challenge. We have watched so many ‘light bulb’ moments, which has made this topic so rewarding. Well done Year 4, three weeks in and you haven’t once not stepped up to your own personal challenges! Keep it up!


Year 4 have started their new Science topic ‘In a State!’ by learning about the properties of solids and liquids. We acted out and drew the particle arrangements in solids, liquids and gases. We’ve really made a ‘solid’ start! Well done Year 4!

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