Our Year 5 children have been working incredibly hard this year! Have a look below to see some of the amazing things they have done…


Year 5 have been looking at the artist Miro and creating collages in his style!

Year 5 have finished sewing their own bags with details! They did an excellent job and can now use them at home!

Year 5 had an excellent trip to Harry Potter Studios on Monday! Here are some of the children, in front of the Hogwarts train!

This week Year 5 have been painting stones for our new well-being walkway that will be appearing in our school field in 2022! The idea is that the painted stones will make you smile.

Elysah in 5MM completed an excellent drawing of the water cycle!

Anjum in 5MM has produced an excellent drawing of Hagrid from Harry Potter, our class text. He worked hard to make his picture match the description of Hagrid.

Mrs Maddison – Year 5 have had a super week looking at shape! They produced some excellent work in their maths books when focusing on the different views of coloured cubes. Well done Year 5!

5HF – Well done Faisal and Kaden for working really well on the shapes and understanding their properties!


This week in Year 5 the children have been drawing precious gemstones using a pen to show volume and shape! Qirrat’s was particularly impressive!

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