Mathematics Curriculum

Our core curriculum aims and principles for Mathematics are as followed:

  • A balanced curriculum
  • Content is rigorous and challenging
  • There is coherence and relevance
  • Knowledge rich and values vocabulary

To support these aims and principals, we utilise and embed the ‘Five Strands of Mathematic Proficiency’. These strands and more information can be seen below:

Mathematical Strands



Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. Click on the link below to explore our approach to Mathematics including our intent of the curriculum, how we will implement it and the impact that it will have.

Intent, Implementation and Impact


High Level Overviews 2023-24

To find out what each academic year group will be covering in Mathematics this year, please click on the relevant links below:


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Medium Term Plans 2023-24

To find out what each academic year group will be covering in Mathematics in each focus area, please click on the links below:


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Progression Grids

Every child will build and progress on their foundations and previous Mathematical learning each academic year. To see an overview of what that progression will look like in each area of Mathematics, click on the link below:

Mathematics Progression Grids



Vocabulary understanding is a major contributor to overall comprehension in many content areas, including Mathematics. To find out what vocabulary each academic year group will cover, click on the link below:

Mathematics Vocabulary


Mathematics Across the Curriculum

Connecting even two subjects together with a similar lesson focus can deepen and expand learning at all levels. CrossCurricular learning prepares the way for students to learn and work together, which is more reflective of real life. To discover how Mathematics looks across the curriculum at Reedswood, click the link below:

Mathematics Across the Curriculum

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