Our Nursery children have been working incredibly hard this year! Have a look below to see some of the amazing things they have done…

This week the children in nursery have been learning about night and day. The children have really enjoyed this topic and the nursery staff are incredibly proud of how engaged the children have been. Well done to Dawid who has answered lots of questions about what activities we can do at day and night.

Merry Christmas from Nursery!

The nursery staff are incredibly proud of Harry for being so kind to his friends. He supports his friends if they are upset and comforts them. He is always so helpful!

The children in nursery have really impressed the nursery staff this week! Our theme is feelings and friendships and the children have been learning all about sharing and how to use our manners. The children are using their Makaton signs to say please and thank you. It has been delightful to see the children thrive in their new environment and begin to make new friends. The children have used mirrors to make self-portraits of themselves using a variety of different materials, this has helped the children to recognise the different parts of their bodies. The children have really enjoyed exploring the different areas within the nursery and getting to know the staff.


This week in Nursery we have been learning all about Jack & The Beanstalk! All the children have really impressed us with how settled they’ve been returning to school! They have enjoyed lots of sensory play this week, exploring the feel of different seeds and beans, they have helped us to count the giant’s gold and have drawn some fantastic castles in the clouds!


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